
Wedding Photography Clitheroe & Ribble Valley

Wedding Photographer Clitheroe & Ribble Valley

Hello, I’m jules, a  Lancashire wedding photographer. Covering all of the North West, but mostly found around Clitheroe & Ribble Valley. The aim of this post is to give you the confidence you need to feel GREAT in front of the camera. The most common phase I hear from my couples is – We HATE having our photos taken – we love your natural photos’.  So  on this blog post I’ll will explaining a few tricks and techniques that we photographers use to capture that natural vibe. Remember that everyone is their own worst critic, so when comes to photos of ourselves, unfortunately it’s natural to zone in on the bits we hate about ourselves:(The bits that other people don’t even see!!

Drop me a message for more tips!

Relax – and enjoy a proper belly laugh! – When you relax your whole posture changes.  Your shoulders drop, your face softens, and your eyes light up. Laughing when you are sharing a moment with your partner during portraits this will show the real you. The best photos are when you forget about your photographer and the camera. Hold hands as you chat and be in the moment – smile as you chat. These natural emotions will come through on the photos you will look amazing!✌

Wedding Photographer Lancashire Wedding Photographer Lancashire

Tricks  of  the   trade

There are a few tried and tested tricks that I have capture these natural images quickly;  so before you have time to think about it – they are all done. When I capture your individual portraits I ask you to look at your partner who I’ve positioned just behind me. Your then are looking and smiling or chatting with them (off camera) and this give a nice natural feel to your expression rather grinning into the lens. From here I capture all your personal details of you outfit. Lace detail, bouquet, hair pieces, shoes all while your chatting to your partner. You not even thinking about having you photo take – BONUS!

Lancashire  wedding  photographer – Jules Fortune Photography

I’ve been a wedding Photographer in Lancashire for around 12 years  so have a lot of experience which really helps, as relaxing people in front of the camera is a real skill.  I also think the key to creating beautiful portraits is choosing a great backdrop in the right light, then it just a matter of letting you both relax, while I snap away, occasionally saying something random with a hope too make you guys giggle. I will give you pointers & tips re your posture, as I  know you want to look your very best. Gently guiding you so we get that SUPER HOT photograph!

It’s always really nice to go for wander if weather & time allows. Adding 2 or 3 different backdrops and location gives you images different lighting and feels. This also makes this a fun & enjoyable experience . Walking shots are always really cool & easy – HEY who can’t walk & chat!. It’s a perfect opportunity to capture some gorgeous full length images of your dress & suit, with a little added movement,  gives a fabulous natural feel to any images.

Wedding Photographer Lancashire Wedding Photographer Lancashire

Wedding Photographer Lancashire Wedding Photographer Lancashire

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