
Victoria Warehouse Wedding Photographer

Victoria   Warehouse  photographer

I LOVE photographing at new venues, so  being booked by Charlotte & Joe to be their Victoria Warehouse Wedding Photographer was a big thumbs up. Don’t get me wrong I love all my Ribble Valley favourites &  the wedding venues that I’m lucky enough get too every season. However there’s something nice about seeing a venue for the first and challenge of eyeballing all the best spots for images. Where is the light looking beautiful, interesting colours and unusual backdrops. Victoria Warehouse is definitely an Icon building. Based in Trafford Park, Manchester, close to  Manchester United football ground and the O2 music venue. It was originally a old cotton mill, back in the day, so has bags of character, quirk and is definitely a different vibe for a wedding venue. ABSOLUTELY love it! – its soooo my bag. Would love to go back! – so if this it your wedding venue, hit the link below for a personal quote.

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Victoria Warehouse Wedding Photographer

I LOVE to find out a bit more about how my couples met and how they chose their stunning wedding venue!

  • How did you meet?

Charlotte and Joe met in April of 2014 on Tinder! While studying in her 2nd year of Uni, Charlotte would swipe carefully on tinder, analysing every eligible bachelors’ profile, assessing their bios and pictures before deciding whether to swipe right. Joe however, got finger ache from swiping right on EVERY SINGLE WOMAN in the hope one would be a match. Lucky for him, he’d passed Charlottes scientific profile analysis and it was a match! Weeks of texts and facetimes ensued before they eventually met in September, and by 7th October (9 years ago exactly today!) they were official! The years that followed saw 4 homes, 2 cities, 1 cat, 2 kids, holidays, getaways, and countless gigs. These two are all the cliches, the Ying to each other’s yang, a matchmade in heaven (on tinder).

  • Tell me a little about the proposal

After Joe convinced Charlotte to have her nails done outside of her usual 4-week schedule, Charlotte had a suspicion that a ring might have been on its way, but she had pestered Joe to pop the question for years to no avail. One evening a few days before Christmas in 2019, Joe wanted to take Charlotte for an early Christmas present. A late-night drive to Saltburn-on-the-Sea had Charlotte confused. They pulled up at the bottom of the pier, which was illuminated in the dark with fairy lights. They both hopped out of the car watching the waves and the stars when Joe got down on one ACL damaged knee and popped the question! Saltburn holds a lot of sentiment for Charlotte as it was her late step dad’s favourite place, so it’s no surprise that a big yes and ugly crying ensued!

  • What made your chose your venue?

We had loads of visits to venues planned… and VW was the first, we instantly fell in love with its alternative feel and the industrial vibe of the whole venue… I later took my gran to the venue to show her where we’d picked.. she looked around and was disgusted I’d picked somewhere that wasn’t conventionally pretty… at that point I knew id picked the perfect place hahah!

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