Rossendale Wedding Photographer
Rossendale Wedding Photographer
Whenever I get an enquiry from a local couple its always a real complement. Usually they find me via a recommendation, internet or an instgarmn search or they met me at a friends wedding. Then you get an enquiry from a couple who live in the next village, looking for their perfect Rossendale wedding photographer. and their email tells you their planning a Harry Potter themed wedding, which includes a trip on the East Lancashire Railway . You do your best happy dance – for about 10 minutes!. I met with Helen & James for chat and they told me more about their plans. They are both big Potter fans & total book worms. James has a real passion for steam trains, also another harry link. They adore Rawtenstall library ( which is a real gem of a building – BTW). So are incorporating both these these elements into the wedding plans – sounds BLOODY AMAZING! – so was so happy when they booked!
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Ramsbottom Weddings
We start the wedding day at their home in Rawtenstall in Rossendale. Prepping is always a real fun part of the day and this was no exception with the lovely Matt from @freddies being hair stylist for the day. Always lovely working with other local suppliers. I even managed to get some cracking shots of him doing his thing. St Mary’s Church in Rawtenstall is the next stop. Such a beautiful church that I know well. After the ‘IDOS’ and a bit of confetti throwing we crack on with the family photos. The gardens next to church an ideal spot. Of course we have planned this all this to detail, including having Rawtenstall library as our backdrop, whoop!!
Time for drinks so off to ‘Buffers’ at Rawtenstall Train station for a little light refreshment and snacks. Everyone relaxes here for around 15 minutes, giving me a great opportunity for candid snapping. Always an ideal time when everyone is deep in chatter, with a drink in hand, making the snaps super relaxed and animated. Drinks and snacks demolished everyone hopped on the steam train down to Ramsbottom. How Exciting!! – I spend my time following Helen & James as they greet their guests, snapping them candidly, as well as capturing pics of everyone on the train having potter steam train fun?.
East Lancashire Railway weddings
Once we arrived at Ramsbottom station, it was the ideal spot for a few portraits, using Ramsbottom vintage train stain as our backdrop. They jump in their wedding car and zoom through the town up to the civic center for their reception dinner & evening party. I ran along side the car, doing my best David Bailey impersonation ( as much as I could with 2 large camera bags & a Nikon around my neck? – HOT!)
The Harry Potter theme continued at the Civic Centre. All the décor had a little nod to Potter – Table names & decorative centre pieces all linking to their LOVE of Harry & Potter & their LOVE of reading – So personal and cleverly designed. Decked with bunting & balloons the room had a really pretty & romantic feeling. DIY wedding at its best❤